Areas of Interest
Industrial organization
Health economics
Contact Information
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Economics
7434 Social Sciences Building
1180 Observatory Dr., Madison WI, 53706
Email: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Publications and Papers Under Review
No Free Lunch? Welfare Analysis of Firms Selling Through Expert Intermediaries (with Matthew Grennan, Kyle Myers, and Aaron Chatterji)
Accepted at Review of Economic Studies.
Inertia and Market Power in Health Insurance: Evidence from the ACA Exchanges (with Evan Saltzman and Daniel Polsky)
Revisions requested at Review of Economics and Statistics.
Dynamics of the Gender Gap in High Math Achievement (with Glenn Ellison)
Journal of Human Resources 58(5): 1679-1711, 2023.
Hospital Management Practices and Medical Device Costs (with Matthew Grennan, Gi Heung Kim, and K. John McConnell)
Health Services Research 57(2): 227-236, 2022.
Accompanying editorial: Schneller, Eugene and Yousef Abdulsalam. “Supply Chain Management and Health Services Research:
Aligning Strange Bedfellows.” Health Services Research 57: 223-226, 2022.
Physician Investment in Hospitals: Specialization, Incentives, and the Quality of Cardiac Care
Journal of Health Economics 80, 2021.
Preferred Pharmacy Networks and Drug Costs (with Amanda Starc)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13(3): 406-446, 2021.
Medical Device Firm Payments to Physicians Exceed What Drug Companies Pay Physicians and Target Surgical Specialists (with Alon Bergman and Matthew Grennan)
Health Affairs, April 2021.
Mergers and Marginal Costs: New Evidence on Hospital Buyer Power (with Stuart Craig and Matthew Grennan)
RAND Journal of Economics 52(1): 151-178, 2021.
Transparency and Negotiated Prices: The Value of Information in Hospital-Supplier Bargaining (with Matthew Grennan)
Journal of Political Economy 128(4): 1234-1268, 2020.
Prescription Drug Use under Medicare Part D: A Linear Model of Nonlinear Budget Sets (with Jason Abaluck and Jonathan Gruber)
Journal of Public Economics 164: 106-138, 2018.
Social Impact Bonds: New Product or New Package? (with Mark Pauly)
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 33(4): 718–760, 2017.
Early Medicaid Expansion Reduced Payday Borrowing in California (with Heidi Allen, Tal Gross, and Jialan Wang)
Health Affairs, October 2017.
Marketplace Plans With Narrow Physician Networks Feature Lower Monthly Premiums Than Plans With Larger Networks (with Dan Polsky and Zuleyha Cidav)
Health Affairs, October 2016.
Do Schools Matter for High Math Achievement? Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions (with Glenn Ellison)
American Economic Review 106(6): 1244-77, 2016.
The Gender Gap in Secondary School Mathematics at High Achievement Levels: Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions (with Glenn Ellison)
Journal of Economic Perspectives 24(2): 109-128, 2010.
Working Papers
Lobbying Physicians: Payments from Industry and Hospital Procurement of Medical Devices (with Alon Bergman and Matthew Grennan)
Knowledge Acquisition in a High-Stakes Environment: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic (with Charles Angelucci, Amit K. Khandelwal, and Andrea Prat)
Diagnosing Price Dispersion: Demand, Bargaining, and Search in Hospital-Supplier Contracting (with Matthew Grennan and Gi Heung Kim)
Research in Progress
The Power of Exclusion: Pharmacy Networks and Bargaining in Medicare Part D (with Sebastian Fleitas, Gautam Gowrisankaran, Amanda Starc, and Robert Town)
Are Hospital Acquisitions of Physician Practices Anticompetitive? (with Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig, Aristotle Epanomeritakis, Matthew Grennan, Joseph Martinez, and Fiona Scott Morton)
Non-Economics Publications
Is Precision Medicine Relevant in the Age of COVID-19? (Comment) with Amy Zhou, Maya Sabatello, Gil Eyal, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, John W. Rowe, Deborah F. Stiles, and Paul S. Appelbaum. Genetics in Medicine, January 13, 2021.
The Closeness-Communication Bias: Increased Egocentrism among Friends Versus Strangers (with Kenneth Savitzky, Boaz Keysar, Nick Epley, and Travis Carter)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(1): 269-273, 2011.
Industrial organization
Health economics
Contact Information
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Economics
7434 Social Sciences Building
1180 Observatory Dr., Madison WI, 53706
Email: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Publications and Papers Under Review
No Free Lunch? Welfare Analysis of Firms Selling Through Expert Intermediaries (with Matthew Grennan, Kyle Myers, and Aaron Chatterji)
Accepted at Review of Economic Studies.
Inertia and Market Power in Health Insurance: Evidence from the ACA Exchanges (with Evan Saltzman and Daniel Polsky)
Revisions requested at Review of Economics and Statistics.
Dynamics of the Gender Gap in High Math Achievement (with Glenn Ellison)
Journal of Human Resources 58(5): 1679-1711, 2023.
Hospital Management Practices and Medical Device Costs (with Matthew Grennan, Gi Heung Kim, and K. John McConnell)
Health Services Research 57(2): 227-236, 2022.
Accompanying editorial: Schneller, Eugene and Yousef Abdulsalam. “Supply Chain Management and Health Services Research:
Aligning Strange Bedfellows.” Health Services Research 57: 223-226, 2022.
Physician Investment in Hospitals: Specialization, Incentives, and the Quality of Cardiac Care
Journal of Health Economics 80, 2021.
Preferred Pharmacy Networks and Drug Costs (with Amanda Starc)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13(3): 406-446, 2021.
Medical Device Firm Payments to Physicians Exceed What Drug Companies Pay Physicians and Target Surgical Specialists (with Alon Bergman and Matthew Grennan)
Health Affairs, April 2021.
Mergers and Marginal Costs: New Evidence on Hospital Buyer Power (with Stuart Craig and Matthew Grennan)
RAND Journal of Economics 52(1): 151-178, 2021.
Transparency and Negotiated Prices: The Value of Information in Hospital-Supplier Bargaining (with Matthew Grennan)
Journal of Political Economy 128(4): 1234-1268, 2020.
Prescription Drug Use under Medicare Part D: A Linear Model of Nonlinear Budget Sets (with Jason Abaluck and Jonathan Gruber)
Journal of Public Economics 164: 106-138, 2018.
Social Impact Bonds: New Product or New Package? (with Mark Pauly)
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 33(4): 718–760, 2017.
Early Medicaid Expansion Reduced Payday Borrowing in California (with Heidi Allen, Tal Gross, and Jialan Wang)
Health Affairs, October 2017.
Marketplace Plans With Narrow Physician Networks Feature Lower Monthly Premiums Than Plans With Larger Networks (with Dan Polsky and Zuleyha Cidav)
Health Affairs, October 2016.
Do Schools Matter for High Math Achievement? Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions (with Glenn Ellison)
American Economic Review 106(6): 1244-77, 2016.
The Gender Gap in Secondary School Mathematics at High Achievement Levels: Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions (with Glenn Ellison)
Journal of Economic Perspectives 24(2): 109-128, 2010.
Working Papers
Lobbying Physicians: Payments from Industry and Hospital Procurement of Medical Devices (with Alon Bergman and Matthew Grennan)
Knowledge Acquisition in a High-Stakes Environment: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic (with Charles Angelucci, Amit K. Khandelwal, and Andrea Prat)
Diagnosing Price Dispersion: Demand, Bargaining, and Search in Hospital-Supplier Contracting (with Matthew Grennan and Gi Heung Kim)
Research in Progress
The Power of Exclusion: Pharmacy Networks and Bargaining in Medicare Part D (with Sebastian Fleitas, Gautam Gowrisankaran, Amanda Starc, and Robert Town)
Are Hospital Acquisitions of Physician Practices Anticompetitive? (with Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig, Aristotle Epanomeritakis, Matthew Grennan, Joseph Martinez, and Fiona Scott Morton)
Non-Economics Publications
Is Precision Medicine Relevant in the Age of COVID-19? (Comment) with Amy Zhou, Maya Sabatello, Gil Eyal, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, John W. Rowe, Deborah F. Stiles, and Paul S. Appelbaum. Genetics in Medicine, January 13, 2021.
The Closeness-Communication Bias: Increased Egocentrism among Friends Versus Strangers (with Kenneth Savitzky, Boaz Keysar, Nick Epley, and Travis Carter)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(1): 269-273, 2011.